The Bob Gysin Gallery is hosting for the fifth time a Bessie Nager exhibition, presenting her multi-perspectival interpretations of surreal-like urban landscapes. The starting point of her new works are everyday phenomena, which, as it is characteristic of her, are appropriated in a playful and pleasurable way. The artist’s earlier work dealt with the theme of the waste products of our consumer-society. In her latest works she turns her attention to the information-society and explores, through highly compacted pictures, the problematic areas of urban living spaces.
Bessie Nager creates virtual spatial art in her light boxes. Nager moves away from the traditional photographic centric viewpoint, which is usually concentrated on the observer. By means of digital image editing, the artist combines a seemingly infinite number of spatial views to a new whole, in which the contrast between center and periphery, detail and overall view, and also between top and bottom is erased.
The setting of her imaginative spaces is the metropolis, which is reproduced as a complex and blurry phenomenon. The numerous relocations, the condensations and the partial lack of substance of the image’s elements generate a mood that suggests intoxication and disorientation. The in-depth look at the work group suggests that the virtual structures of the spaces are not determined from a central point. In her project, Nager seeks a permanent transition from order to disorder and, in the oscillation between these two positions, she investigates and demonstrates possible increasingly complex structures.
Biography Bessie Nager