Galerie Bob Gysin proudly presents Anina Schenker‘s new works in the STAMPEDE exhibition. In this first exhibition exclusively dedicated to the artist you can see two videos, one installation, drawings and video stills. The exhibition title STAMPEDE refers to the uncontrolled behavior of swarm, a drove or a crowd.
Thoughts come and go, manifest themselves harmonically or chaotically, confuse, scare, are focused or don‘t let you go like a swarm. The written and spoken exchange of thoughts behaves accordingly - discussions can develop dynamically or remain awkward. The works combine the analysis with thoughts.
The two videos, STAMPEDE and PAROLE, deal with direct human action. PAROLE shows the artist and another female standing in front of her. They look at each other scornfully and their facial expressions reminds of a visual trial of strength between two competitors. Through her videos, Anina Schenker required the observers to discover their psychological and physiological affectivity.
A huge part of the gallery is taken by the work SCHWÄRMEN. The installation is composed of 600 hippocampi casted from polyurethane. The hippocampus, part of the limbic system and situated between the left and right cerebral hemisphere transfers memory from the short-term memory to the long-term memory. These components of the physis control sequences and reactions which contribute to our identity. In nature the objects which stand for thoughts and memories are tiny but become bizarre constructions when increased and recreated freely. By connecting these single objects to a swarm an association of the collective memory is evoked. The room-filling carpet of sound PAROLE with its shrieking and bubbling sounds makes the hazard perceptible that the mutual dynamic may be broken within the shortest period of time.
The Works ....YESTERDAY...TODAY...TOMORROW are summarized diary entries: specific, continuous and abstractly captured thoughts. The artists expresses what she wants to document by lines. The intensity and ductus of the brushstroke vary according to concentration, condition and mood. This work is closely connected to SCHAUM DER TAGE where the subconscious is documented in organic, flat, texture-like or plastic bundles. The connecting element is the documentation of the daily state of mind. Emotions become perceptible. Anina Schenker lets her thoughts wander and forms develop.