The department of cultural promotion of the city of Baden awarded the artist and musician Christoph Brünggel with the ateliergrant Kairo.
Within the participation to the Städtekonferenz Kultur (SKK) the department of cultural promotion of the city of Baden awards an ateliergrant for a six months residence in Kario to the artist Christoph Brünggel.
Christoph Brünggel was born 1980 in Brugg and lives in Zürich and Brugg. He studied music and media art at the University of Arts in Bern, he previously attended the Kantonsschule Wettingen has since been an active cultural figure in Baden. He organized concerts in different venues where he also performed as a musician and his artpieces were presented at the Trudelhaus. His "Kunst und Bau" work is currently installed next to the new building of the nursing centre Kehl. In addition to that, he's currently working on a new artpiece for the Kulturweg Limmat.
Since 2016 Brünggel has been a member of the culture commission of the city of Baden, representing the field of the visual arts and multidisciplinary. In 2012 the work of Christoph Brünggel was amongst others awarded with an atelier grant from the Aargauer Kuratorium and from 2012 to 2015 he was honored with an atelier grant from the Binz39 in Zürich.
In his Oeuvre Christoph Brünggel uses modern and traditional materials. The contrast between orderly-constructed and chaotic-organic forms is characteristic for his current work. Relics from archaical provenience find their way into his work, such as wooden objects from the Alps, which were part of people's survival strategies.
Kairo and Aegypt will offer the artist an adequate field for further researches in his archeologically inspired way of working. In Summer 2017 he finished his master degree in Contemporary Arts Practice with majors in Fine Arts at the Hochschule der Künste in Bern and from august 2017 he will be working and living together with two artists from Zürich and Biel for half a year in the Atelierhaus on the Jakobinsel and in the smaller apartment in the city center of Kairo.
In the six months atelier residence in the aegyptian capital Kairo are included a monthly work contribution of CHF 2'000 and a single contribution to the travel expenses.
As a member of the Städtekonferenz Kultur (SKK) the city of Baden has the opportunity to periodically assign Atelier grants. Artists and art mediators that are linked to the city of Baden or to the region and whose activity in the region clearly noticeable is can apply for the grant.
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